Textile Workers to Go on Strike Large Factory in Egypt

Twenty-two thousand workers at the Egypt Weaving and Textile Company in Mahallah city, the country’s largest public sector textile factory, have announced that they will begin an open-ended strike on 10 September.

On Saturday workers issued a statement that outlines their grievances and demands and asked for public support.

Workers demand that the government of Prime Minister Essam Sharaf increase its capital investment in the company and guarantee adequate supplies of raw cotton for production.

They also want the government to raise the minimum wage in order to keep up with rising inflation levels and to release 2-month-old outstanding merit pay checks.

In their statement, Mahallah workers said that they plan to struggle, not only to improve their own lives, but also to win a decent standard of living for all Egyptian workers.

Read more about Textile Workers to Go on Strike Large Factory in Egypt

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